John J. Blum, MS, MSEd, LCADC, LPC                                  Confidentiality


If you choose to engage in counseling or psychotherapy services with me, please be advised that

Furthermore, your participation in such services entitles you to limitations as described in Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations governing the confidentiality of mental health and alcohol/drug abuse information (42 CFR - Part 2), as well as other federal and state laws further regulating protected health information (PHI) in order to facilitate treatment, payment, or healthcare operations (TPO).  Information in your patient record will only be released to external parties or agencies through a separate, written authorization signed by you, except under the following circumstances:

Information made available under this section shall be limited to that information relevant and necessary to the purpose for which the information is being sought.  Otherwise, an Authorization for the Release of Confidential Information is required.

NOTE:  Federal rules based on 42 CFR - Part 2 restrict the use of client information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse client.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding confidentiality of information, please contact me by e-mail.

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