John J. Blum, MS, MSEd, LCADC, LPC                                   DOT-SAP


For quite a few years now, the United States government, through the Federal Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Department of Transportation, has published and revised procedures for random and post-accident alcohol and drug tests for all employees operating within "public safety" professions.  On December 31, 2003, regulations were implemented regarding the role of a Department of Transportation Substance Abuse Professional (DOT-SAP) within this process.

As a DOT-SAP, I am in compliance with the credentialing, knowledge, training, examination, and continuing education requirements set forth by Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 40, commonly referred to as "49 CFR Part 40".

In my role as a DOT-SAP, I perform a "gate keeping" function for employees in safety-sensitive occupations who have violated DOT rules governing substance use and have been removed from safety-sensitive duties.  My functions include:

  1. Performing drug & alcohol assessments

  2. Referring to appropriate levels of care

  3. Performing related case management and care coordination

  4. Performing follow-up evaluations prior to return to safety-sensitive duties

  5. Developing follow-up individual drug & alcohol testing plans

  6. Developing aftercare plans

DOT random and post-accident alcohol and drug testing cover the following agency employees:

  1. FMCSA - Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration

    -- all commercial drivers license (CDL) holders

    -- drivers of vehicles over 26,001 gvw (13 tons)

    -- drivers of vehicles carrying hazardous cargo (HAZMAT)

    -- drivers of vehicles carrying 16+ passengers

  2. FTA - Federal Transit Administration

    -- bus drivers

    -- subway and mass transit operators

  3. FRA - Federal Railroad Administration

    -- engine, train, signal services workers

    -- operators and dispatchers

  4. FAA - Federal Aviation Administration

    -- flight crewmembers, attendants, and instructors

    -- air traffic controllers

    -- aircraft dispatchers, maintenance personnel

    -- aviation screening staff

    -- ground security coordinators

  5. USCG - Commandant of the United States Coast Guard

    -- all USCG officers and enlisted personnel

    -- all crew members on commercial vessels

    -- licensed captains and Great Lakes pilots

  6. PHMSA - Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

    -- oil and pipeline workers

    -- operators and emergency response personnel

There are significant risks posed to the general public by employees who use substances while engaging in safety-sensitive occupations.  As such,  I take my role as a DOT-SAP very seriously.

If you are in need of DOT-SAP services, feel free to contact me for an initial consultation, an explanation of my fees, and appointment availability.

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